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Our best selling bedding plants, trailers and shrubs are all listed below.

Top ten summer bedding plants
F begonias.png


A very versatile summer bedding plant that thrives in  either the shade or the sun and flowers throughout the summer. Suitable for beds, borders and hanging baskets.

F Busy Lizzie.png

Busy Lizzie

Great for shadier beds and borders producing large flowers in pinks and reds to purple and whites. They have a long flowering period and prefer partial shade.

F Geranium.png


A great sturdy plant that flowers all summer and is perfect for beds, borders and the trailing variety for hanging baskets. loves the sun and hot dry conditions coming in beautiful shades of pinks, whites, reds, lilac and rich burgundy.

F Rudbeckia.png


Annual Rudbeckia (coneflowers) are hardy and robust bedding plants. They flower from July to October with lovely red, orange and yellow colours. Great for beds and large pots mixing perfectly with perennials and shrubs.

F Comos.png


Large saucer-shaped flowers dangling on thin wily stems. A great source of nectar for pollinating insects and bumble bees. Comos begins blooming in mid-summer and flowers in beautiful colours of pink, red and white until mid autumn.

F Antirrhinum.png


Beautiful flowering spikes with mouth like flowers that open when squeezed. Suited for beds, borders and large pots. A long flowering period, coming in strong vibrant colours. Great for attracting bumble bees as they are a very good nectar source.

F Lobelia.png


Lobelia's dainty flowers create wonderful thick waterfalls of colour so well suited for hanging baskets but still great for annual bedding plants. Comes in colours of blue, purple and white.

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Petunias have large trumpet flowers in a wonderful array of mauve, lilac-blue and deep purple colours and patterns. These hardy annuals can be trailing or upright looking superb in hanging baskets or massed in beds and borders.

F Californian poppy.png

Californian Poppy

Californian poppy seeds produce a vibrant coloured hardy annual when sown into the beds and borders. The wonderful palette of orange, yellows, pinks and reds bring a vibrant colour to your garden. They thrive in poor soil and love the sun.

F Sweet peas.png

Sweet Peas

Sweet peas are great climbers and can reach heights of up to six feet, alternatively  the dwarf sweet pea is well suited for ground cover at the front of beds and borders producing a wonderful fragrance. They come in a wide range of colours and can climb up to six feet. They come in a wide range of colours.

Top ten plants for hanging baskets.
F2 Calibrachoa.png


Calibrachoa are tender perennials that are grown as annuals. Their trumpet-like flowers come in a wide range of colours which include purple, pink, yellow, orange and white They leave a wonderful trail over the edge of a basket.

F begonias.png


Begonias are a very versatile summer  bedding plant but are also great for hanging baskets. They come in a wide range of colours, flowering throughout the summer. They like shade or the sun and are a great addition to a successful floral display

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Cape Daises

Cape daisies (Osteospermum) come in a wide range of colours from yellow to magenta. They like the sun and are drought tolerant. They are tender perennials and will flower the following year.

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Diascia are long-flowering tender perennials that come in shades of white, pink and salmon. They are ideal for hanging baskets that love sunny spots. You can cut them back to encourage more blooms.

F Lobelia.png


Lobelia's dainty flowers create wonderful thick waterfalls of colour so well suited for hanging baskets but still great for annual bedding plants. Comes in colours of blue, purple and white.

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There are many different types of pelargonium, from zonal pelargoniums to regal pelargoniums. Great for hanging baskets and love the sun. Keep deadheading them to encourage further blooms.

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Creeping Jenny

Lysimachia nummularia "Aurea" (creeping jenny) has small yellow flowers but is mostly grown for its golden foliage, which trails over the edge of a basket setting off more vibrant coloured flowering plants. Grows well in sun or part shade.

F Petunias.jpg


Petunias have large trumpet flowers in a wonderful array of mauve, lilac-blue and deep purple colours and patterns. These hardy annuals can be trailing or upright looking superb in hanging baskets or massed in beds and borders.

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Million Bells

Million bells is a cousin of the petunia. They love the sun, moist soil and a hot climate producing little or no seed. They also require no deadheading.

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Sweet Alyssum

Sweet alyssum produces a wonderful fragrant cloud and its strong honey scent attracts butterflies and bumble bees. It has a very appealing trailing habit and with a summer trim it will encourage further growth.

Top ten evergreen shrubs

Neals shrubs Fatsia japonica.png


Fatsia Japonica is a versatile shrub with large glossy leaves on stout, upright stems. This evergreen shrub is very hardy  and copes well with coastal conditions and shady garden areas. They are a great feature in borders and large pots.

Neals shrubs lavender.png


Lavender is a great hardy shrub, grown for its fragrant summer flowers and scented silver-green foliage. Flowers come in shades of purple, Lilac or pink. Good for hedging, borders and large pots. The flowers are very attractive to bees and butterflies and have good drought tolerance, coping well with light sandy soils.

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Aucubas is a very tough shrub and is tolerant of full shade, dry soils, pollution and salty coastal conditions. The speckled yellow cultivars are very popular, giving  to the name "Spotted Laurel". The leaves are large, leathery and glossy in appearance giving a tropical look. This evergreen shrub likes heavily-shaded corners of the garden with the female plants producing bright red berries in autumn.

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Camellia is a classic spring-flowering shrub, originating from Asia. They have deep glossy green foliage and large showy flowers early in the year. Their flowers can be single or double and come in a range of colours from pink to red through to yellow or white. They like partial shade and acid soil. When growing in large pots, use a mixture of ericaceous compost and a soil-based compost such as John Innes No 3.

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Japanese bamboo

This exotic evergreen plant grows as a stunning, upright shrub. Its stems are intensely black that contrast beautifully with its classic green foliage. This study plant 60cms per year in bundles up to 4 metres in height. The bamboo plant may lose some of its leaves during harsh winters but they will return in spring. When planted in the ground, bamboo is winter-hardy but needs protection from frost when planted in pots. Our varieties we stock include Phyllostachys Nigra, Phyllostachys Aurea and Phyllostachys Bissetll.

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Euonymus Fortunei are versatile, low-maintenance, evergreen shrubs with a tolerance of poor soils, coastal conditions and shade. They can be grown as evergreen ground cover or trained to climb walls. They can be grown as hedges or as freestanding shrubs in borders and large pots, adding great winter cover to your garden.

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Photinia is a tough versatile shrub growing well in sunny borders, large pots and hedges. Photinia xFraseri, Red Robin is a very popular variety, having red glossy leaves when young, gradually changing to bronze-green through to deep green,

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Mahonia shrubs have glossy, spiny leaves, similar to holly. They have late winter and spring flowers which are bright yellow and highly fragrant. Coping well with coastal conditions, clay soils and heavy shade, making it a great addition to shrub borders and woodland gardens.

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Daphne plants have small but very fragment flowers, appearing in winter and early spring. Daphne Odora 'Aureomarginatie' has plain but attractive glossy, yellow-edged leaves and likes sunny or partially-shaded mixed borders, woodland gardens and rock gardens.

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Box (Buxus) is a compact and versatile evergreen shrub which is great for clipping into small, formal hedges, best for edging vegetable and flower beds. Tolerant of deep shade or growing beneath tall trees. Grow in well-drained soil in partial or full shade keeping the soil moist if grown in full sun. Box can be used for topiary either when planted in the ground or a large pot.

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